Play and Language for Autistic Youngsters
Using evidence-based practices to help parents connect and engage with their child through play.
What is The PLAY Project?
The PLAY Project is a parent implemented, intensive early intervention program for young children with autism that is evidence-based. Our certified PLAY Consultant works with the parents and child by modeling and coaching to improve the interaction between the parents and child. Our goal is for you to be your child’s best PLAY partner!
What is Teaching PLAY?
Teaching PLAY applies The PLAY Project in the classroom setting. Teaching PLAY focuses on a child’s functional development and interaction so children with autism will be more successful in school both socially and academically. School staff are taught how to incorporate The PLAY Project’s evidence-based, developmental approach without disrupting classroom routines.
Increase the smiles and laughter in your home with The PLAY Project!
PLAY Autism Early Intervention helps young children improve their language, development, behavior, social skills and autism severity.





- PLAY Autism Early Intervention helps young children improve their language, development, behavior, social skills and autism severity.
- Play is the way children learn best. The PLAY Project model helps young children grow and develop through playful interactions.
- You and your Certified PLAY Consultant become partners in your child’s progress. You receive individual coaching that empowers you to have a closer, more satisfying relationship with your child.
Services, determined based on the specific needs of each child, may include:
- Monthly home visits from a certified PLAY Project Consultant.
- Modeling and coaching services to help improve the interaction between parent and child.
- Direct play between child and PLAY Project Consultant.
- A PLAY Plan report and video provided after each visit. The Plan includes detailed recommendations for methods, techniques and activities. The video captures the consultant modeling techniques as well as the parent and child’s interactions.
- The PLAY Consultant has access to a team of professionals to provide a case review and feedback on your child’s development.
Does my child need a diagnosis of autism to start The PLAY Project?
No, PLAY can be helpful for any child showing concerns with social interaction, engagement, and/or communication.
What is required of my family to participate in The PLAY Project?
Families must be willing to invest daily PLAY early intervention time with their child and be willing to sign a consent form for videotaping.
Why The PLAY Project?
The PLAY Project’s autism early intervention program addresses the core deficit of autism spectrum disorders—poor social interaction. Parents spend more time with their children than all their teachers and therapists combined. In PLAY, we empower parents to make every interaction a good interaction and engage their child in a playful way that improves their child’s social development.
What is Teaching PLAY?
Teaching PLAY is implementing PLAY within the classroom setting. The program is designed to support teaching staff through coaching and modeling with the classroom’s routine structure. Teaching PLAY is not a curriculum, but a developmental lens to apply in any educational environment.
What are PLAY Consultants?
PLAY Consultants are professionals who offer PLAY Autism Early Intervention. They are trained and credentialed by The PLAY Project organization.
What research is there for PLAY?
The PLAY Project uses evidence-based best practices, and has excellent scientific evidence for its effectiveness. The Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics published the results of a randomized controlled trial of the program in 2014. This study showed significant improvement in:
- Children’s autism severity
- Social-emotional development of children with autism
- Parent and child interactions
- Reduction in parent stress and depression
How can I get started?
Contact Auglaize DD or reach out to your child’s service coordinator or SSA for more information!
Auglaize DD PLAY Project
The PLAY Project
The PLAY Project Website

For additional information, please contact:
Rachel Hausfeld, Early Intervention Services Manager
Phone: 419-977-2210 ext. 204